
  • Citizenship by Investment Program


    Recommended reason:The Moldova Citizenship by Investment program is the latest European citizenship by investment opportunity. It provides access to 122 destinations, inc…

    Low Cost

    Not being Listed by the OECD

Project details

The Moldova Citizenship by Investment program is the latest European citizenship by investment opportunity. It provides access to 122 destinations, including the countries in Europe’s Schengen Area as well as Turkey and Russia. It is the first program of its kind to offer this unique combination of visa-free travel destinations.


Investment Criteria

The MCBI program requires applicants to make a defined economic contribution to the country through the Public Sustainable Development Fund of Moldova (Public Investment Fund). In exchange, and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process, including thorough background checks, applicants and their families are granted citizenship.


Public Sustainable Development Fund

Minimum Investment – €100,000

The investor must make a minimum non-refundable contribution to the Public investment fund:

· Single applicant – €100,000

· Couple – €115,000

· Family of 3 – €130,000

· Family of 4 – €145,000

· Family of 5 or more – €155,000
